Saturday, December 18, 2004


Took a yellow card and got sent off to provincial oblivion.

In less than 24 hrs, we were packed, hauled, and flown into that marvelous beach paradise of the south, Iloilo. And right after touchdown and a few short, cultural (read:shocking) experiences, our sales management careers have been officially launched.

It's actually a bitter-sweet experience for me. First time to fly. First time to go over Mother Luzon's homely boundaries. I took a window seat so I could take in the view. And since it was the first one off Manila, I made sure I got the window seat so I'd be able to see how the sun breaks from 22,000 feet. But alas, it was not to be. Despite the planning, I failed to procure the correct side of the plane, so I ended up looking at Dawn's smiling face from the other end of the aisle. Bummer.

At the moment it's been 89 hours, 18 minutes and a couple of clock ticks since we've arrived here. It's been a very busy week: familiarization with the local business culture, meeting key and non-key personnel, taking in the terrain and dealing with your homesickness-inspired depression. Now I could feel for those expats that go bonkers overseas.

Next week, I'm checking out of the hotel. By that time I'd still have four more days to go before Christmas thankfully (and temporarily) ends our deportation. To make good use of that time, my predecessor has planned to take me up north to Capiz and Aklan (sidestepping aswang-infested Antique) before backtracking down south. Admittedly, the short timeframe will not be enough for me to get a firm grasp of my (-ehem-) whole domain, so I would just have to do my own sight-seeing next year (Boracay is actually on top of the list Ü).

I'm still a little shocked I'm so far away from home. Thank goodness for short internet breaks like these. Now I know why it's those little, seemingly-insignificant things you enjoy at home that matter the most to you... it's because these are the only things you miss when you're not there.