Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Still Mysty-eyed

The scenes are beautifully majestic

More on Myst.

Originally launched in 1993 (the same year Doom© made its debut), it became the best-selling computer game in the 90’s until The Sims© came along.

Set on a richly detailed fantasy environment, Myst is all about a series of puzzles that slowly reveal a conflict between a father and his two sons. As an adventurer, your job is to discover and follow clues to be transported by means of books (you’ll find them in the library of starting point Myst Island) to several Ages.

There were four Ages in all on the original release, with one more Age included (for improved story-telling) in the RealMyst version. You’d have to go through all the Ages to collect scattered pages and notes that would complete some of the books in the library. Only by doing so can you progress successfully towards a gripping ending.

I enjoy Myst for its emphasis on discovery and critical-thinking. For those who have had their fill of mmorpg and shooters during college, I sincerely hope you’d try this one too. You won’t be disappointed!