Sunday, January 13, 2008


i see her tonight
dressed in velvet and black
angel in the dark

come to meet me there
at the dream-king's realm immense
with patient suspense

Change of pace

I've been feeling poetic lately, so I reckon I'll give it a try.

Never been much for poems though; too mind-boggling, too open to many different interpretations. Too artsy-fartsy, too much mind-work to sort out. It's like spring cleaning everyday. I hated it.

But it goes without saying, your most difficult opponents always end up as the very ones you respect the most. It's why I've always viewed poems as higher literary forms than, say, novels and essays (which I read and churned out a lot).

I'll start posting a few poems henceforth, here and there. It's my way of beating out a new cultural and creative path this year.

Hmm... I guess I'll start with haikus muna. Then I'll move on to longer verses. I hope to graduate to odes before year's end, but that's quite a task already.

Here goes nothing. =)